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Nourish & Power with Alisa |  Sydenham health coach & gut health specialist
Nourish & Power is a South East London women's health coach and gut health specialist


Hi, I'm Alisa

I’m an expert in health and wellbeing coaching for busy women with growing families. 

South East London Health Coach Specialising in Gut Health & IBS, Hormone Balance, Conception, Menopause & Weight Loss | Alisa Connan
Where my story started...

Did you know there are hormone receptors all over the body? I didn’t.

It's one of the reasons perimenopause symtoms can be so wide spread; from anxiety, heavy periods to sleep issues.


My health journey started over 10 years ago when my wife and I decided to start the IVF process, we were ready to make a baby.


This was the beginning of a life-long learning journey about hormone health and how we can affect the way our bodies work by the choices we make.


After graduating at the College of Naturopathic Medicine with a diploma in Health Coaching, having studied with some of the leading figures in ecological medicine, I have been fortunate to have gained further experience working with Harley Street practitioners and additional training with leading hormone, perimenopause and neurodiversity experts who share my interest in finding the root cause of the symptoms the body may present.  


I offer access to functional testing to understand individual hormone levels and detoxification pathways.  This can be really incredibly valuable information to have on a healing journey.

South East London Health Coach Specialising in Gut Health & IBS, Hormone Balance, Conception, Menopause & Weight Loss | Alisa Connan

A trusted guide in your journey

Giving my clients the time and space to feel safe, feel seen & feel heard.

Throughout my 20 year career as a celebrity portrait photographer, I have gained many skills including being present in the moment when listening to someone’s story and giving people the time and space to feel safe, seen & heard.


It's a skill I draw upon when building trusted relationships with my health coaching clients.


You don't have to struggle alone, I am here for you every step of the way.


"My skin feels better.  My digestion is more comfortable.  I’ve noticed patterns in my cycle that I never linked to my symptoms.  My headaches have disappeared. My energy is better and the brain fog is gone."
Eveyln, mum to Harry & Jack, 15yrs & 17yrs
My areas of specialism

Continual professional development

  • Future Woman+ Practitioner Hormone Training including Functional Testing & Perimenopause

  • Health Coaching for Perimenopause

  • Nutrition for Female Hormonal Imbalances

  • Nutrition for ADHD and Autism Training with Lucinda Miller BSc, MGNI, MRNI, MH, FMU, AFMCP

  • Movement and Menopause

  • Women’s Health, Hormones and Blood Sugar with Dr. Anna Cabeca

  • Health Coaching for Stress

  • Weight Loss in Clinical Practice

  • Homeopathy Practitioner Training with Dr Jayne Donegan

  • Chronic Fatigue, ME & Long Covid; how to prevent and recover from post-viral syndromes

  • Behaviour & Communication Magic with Behaviour Dynamics Expert David Charalambous

  • Navigating the Gluten-Free Mindfield

  • The Gut Feeling: Gut Health and Bowel Dis-ease

  • Supporting Autoimmune Cascade with Dr Tom O’Bryan

  • Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Through the Lens of Integrative Medicine

  • Psychedelic World Summit 2024 with Gabor Maté and Bessel van der Kolk 

South East London health coach and menopause specialist | Nourish & Power with Alisa

Let's take care of you

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